![]() 05/24/2017 at 12:04 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Let me start off by saying this is a non-partisan post. I’ve never been a person to watch the news. I felt really inadequate next to people that did, it always made them seem intelligent and worldly. However I have been following the news for the past year because let’s face it: it’s now in our faces 24/7 and can’t be escaped. Has it always been like this? This latest headline came to me by way of the iOS News suggestions bar in the pull down menu. It’s just so... salty. Like the writer is being told Trump is in a new relationship and happy, and they’re some sort of scorned ex-lover. “It won’t last” they reply. It just seems crazy to me that these kind of things make it out, but that there’s a good bit of the populous and the media going “why don’t you like or trust us anymore?”
![]() 05/24/2017 at 12:11 |
It’s definitely a strange headline, considering it hasn’t gone smoothly at all...
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CNN used to be a good news source. Now they have a lot of buzz and it’s hard to weed out the editorial opinions from the ‘real news’ sometimes. It’s really hard to find a reliable unbiased news source.
Note how CNN is in the ‘Better than not reading news at all’ category!!!
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It’s CNN. It’s fake news. Believe me, folks.
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I turned off my iOS news alerts because I’m sick of it. In reality, very little of it immediately affects me, and I can do nothing about it. We all have better shit to do than worrying about every little bit of news during the day anyways.
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What worries me is that Apple is now feeding me news based on what I ’ ve clicked on, but all they ’ ve ever done is feed me marginal news (mostly Op - Ed) so the cycle can ’ t end.
Year after year, Christian Science Monitor is rated as the most thorough and in-depth nonpartisan source, but you rarely seen them cited anywhere. I think the name throws most journalists off. Maybe it should be called the Cthulu Science Monitor.
I’m mostly NPR, personally. I’m a conservative and I do spot a wee bit of liberal tinge to some of their “foregone conclusions” but I also recognize that it’s part of where you’re starting — people on the ultra-right consider BBC and NPR liberal, but I’ve found them both pretty neutral. But neutrality has to be considered (IMO) separate from Op-Ed — it has to be based on the actual editorial content of the writers, not outsiders.
Also, if you cite rando twitter feeds as sources, I don’t read you. That’s all of cable news now.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 12:21 |
It’s specifically Cillizza that is letting loose the reigns, but all his stuff is ‘analysis’ not straight up reporting. 45 has been calling CNN liars for months, and I think a few of the writers are losing their objectivity.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 12:30 |
How old is that graphic though? I feel like a lot of those have moved further to the outside and some of the ones in the middle have began to shift to one side or the other.
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The problem with Twitter is that people see it as modern-day publishing and it’s simply not. Just because a bunch of people can read what you wrote, it doesn’t mean it was true, well thought out, or even important to be honest. People done wanna hear that though.
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Who knows. I don’t know the story of his trip because I haven’t been super closely following, but the title caught my attention.
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I fully support twitter when it’s being used in such a way that traditional media can’t (example: Arab Spring). But in a free and democratic society, with near-infinite mobility for the traditional media, getting a “scoop” on twitter about some fistfight on a transit bus doesn’t make it newsworthy (or reliable). My dad wisely pointed out a few years ago that news today is less about what’s important and more about what has photos and video. THat’s just messed up.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 12:44 |
Well let’s just say he interrupted a photo op in Israel to say
as Netanyahu tried his best to not “WTF” out loud.
Then his wife has hilariously avoided holding his hand in public, and you have to know he hates seeing that publicised and mocked.
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This is nothing new btw. Journalism used to be a respected trade. They prided themselves on reporting accurately. That only lasted a very brief time.
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Do you understand there is a difference between straight up factual reporting, analysis/commentary, and opinion? Because this says right in the byline that it’s an analysis.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 12:50 |
It is in fact very easy to determine whether this piece is straight factual reporting or some degree of opinion writing. It says analysis right in the byline. If you see analysis/commentary in a byline it’s a combination of reporting and the writer’s take on events. If you see opinion it’s the writer making an argument about something.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 13:44 |
This isn’t a “news story” though - it’s an op-ed. I believe opinion/editorial/analysis pieces have always had these kind of headlines, because that’s the whole point. This is an editorial about why the trip won’t continue to go well from the viewpoint of the editor, so it has the appropriate headline. The traditional news piece would have a headline like “Trump Meets With Pope in Italy.” The problem is that these kind of things are being picked up by aggregators like “iOS News” that mix them with factual breaking news headlines and make it harder to pick out the news when that is all you want. I don’t know enough about the situation to know if the issue lies with Apple’s program or if the content providers like CNN are able to skew it to push these kinds of op-eds to the “news” alerts on phones.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 13:53 |
Oh, boy if you though that was bad
TL;DR- Trolls started tweeting a meme that the “OK” sign was actually a white supremacist sign. Then when two conservative reporters (One was apparently Puerto Rican) made it at a white house press conference, the head journalist for Fusion (On your very own Kinja) took a picture and tweeted it accusing them of being neo-nazis lol.
Jezebel fell for it too, but I can’t find the article.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 14:38 |
Once upon a time I downloaded the CNN Politics app. Everything seemed to be editorials and all of the people seemed to kind of be dicks. I’m left leaning but I couldn’t agree with their stances since a lot of what they write is based on emotions it seems.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 15:21 |
That graphic was from an article last year. I agree that the dynamic seems to have shifted further since the election though. It’s hard to be ‘neutral’ and not slice Trump to pieces, pointing out silly things like facts, and that automatically makes you ‘liberal’... but WSJ is still a solid news outlet.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 15:22 |
I take that as the trip won’t last, which is a fact, thus indicating he’ll be back to reality in a bit.
It’s only salty if viewed through salty colored glasses.
You claimed you know nothing about his trip so you might need a frame of reference in order to understand the headline.
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Sure, but CNN seems to push more and more opinions to the top of their feeds.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 15:49 |
I don’t really pay attention to CNN or any other cable news outlet. It’s painful TV to watch. Too sensationalized and CNN in particular is guilty of labeling anything and everything as BREAKING NEWS when it’s something minor.
There are TVs along the wall in front of the cardio machines at my gym and inevitably several of them end up on news channels, with CNN and MSNBC being most common with an occasional sprinkling of Fox News. When it comes time for my cardio I go along the wall and change every single TV that’s been left on news to something else, unless someone is directly in front of it and then I ask if they’re watching it. Even if the TV in question is totally out of my line of sight unless I turn my head. I don’t want that crap infecting my vision.
The Washington Post is my main news source and I’ll read it when I please. Don’t need that crap in front of me when I’m trying to burn calories.
As for CNN pushing opinion/analysis, I mean, sure, maybe. Looking at their front page though, all of the opinion & analysis pieces are clearly labeled, with either someone’s last name for analysis or “Opinion:” for opinion.
Unfortunately, way too many jump “suchandsuch outlet is biased ” criticism, when what they really mean is the opinion and analysis pieces in that outlet are biased. Which, of course they are.
But I understand the concerns because even with relatively clear labeling like CNN has, the lines between reporting and opinion/analysis are very much blurred.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 16:00 |
Oh yeah - I hardly ever watch news on TV. That’s just misery.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 16:38 |
I feel like this is the whole birther movement in reverse